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November 14, 2019 Topic – Mental Health Month
Interview with Volusia County Health Department To see if you qualify, call your County Health Department or call the American Cancer Society National Hotline at 1-800-227-2345 to get more information on the program. Florida Department of Health PSA’s: “No Cost” “Early Detection” “No Insurance, No Problem” Program Information The National Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program […]

October 2019 Topic – Breast & Cervical Cancer Early Detection
The Florida Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program makes it easy to get the breast and cervical cancer screenings doctors recommend. The screenings are free or low cost if you meet program eligibility requirements. There are many BCCEDP sites located throughout Florida. For more information please visit: or call 18002266110 To see if […]

February 2019 Topic – Heart Disease
Billions of dollars are spent every year in the U.S. on medications that reduce the risk of heart disease—the No.1 killer in Florida. Heart disease accounts for 3 out of 10 deaths in Florida and in 2014 there were 42,835 heart attack hospitalizations, or an average of 117 heart attack hospitalizations each day. About half […]

January 2019 Topic – Post-Holiday Depression
Some tips to lift your sadness after the busy holiday time. Many people experience sadness when the holidays are over. Sometimes it hits them hard and seems to come out of the blue. If I’m describing you, please don’t be alarmed. This reaction to the end of the holiday season is not at all unusual. There […]

Stetson sues to get $1.5M for dorm’s naming rights
Stetson University is fighting a legal battle with the estate of a deceased donor hoping to recoup the bulk of a $1.5 million pledged gift. Chauncey Paul Johnson’s connection with Stetson ran three generations for more than a century. From 1905 to 1947, his grandfather was a trustee at the private DeLand school and he […]

Net Neutrality Repealed
The FCC’s net neutrality rules are officially repealed today. Here’s what that really means. Monday marks the official end of the federal government’s net neutrality rules, the Obama-era regulations that said Internet providers can’t block or slow down websites or prioritize their content over others’. It’s a turning point for Internet policy and the Web […]

John Legend joins Amendment 4 advocates
John Legend joins Amendment 4 advocates in Orlando to push for felon rights’ restoration It’s not normal to have the atmosphere of a concert permeate a rally to raise awareness for a Florida constitutional ballot measure. But Wednesday was no ordinary political event. ORLANDO — When John Legend rolled up to Maynard Evans High School […]

Flashback: Mahalia Jackson, ‘Queen of Gospel’
Mahalia Jackson was seated nearby when Martin Luther King Jr. stepped up to the podium on Aug. 28, 1963, to address the 250,000 marchers who had come to Washington, D.C., to mark the 100th anniversary of the Emancipation Proclamation. King detailed the barriers that still denied African-Americans equal rights, and then he hesitated as if searching for […]